Ophis Definitions & SOP
A glossary of terms employed in the Ophis material
Ophis- is the archaic Greek word for serpent in the sense of the unveiling of oracles, from optesthai (to see)
Annular Chronometric Filter- or, Diurnal Projections are future dates derived through a fractal lense constructed of 360 and 365.25 parts that strengthen the MSRF
controls- are the X-1 and X-2 dates used in Ophis projection [back dates]
Core Algorithm- twelve physics constants formulas inversed to perform as they would "on the other side" of our own dimensional awareness that reappear in our "reality" as twelve future date projections
Diurnal Projections- or, Annular Chronometric Filter
event trajectory- a mathematically discernable linear connection between events that are similar in nature that project to dates in the future
Fibonacci Sequence Filter- unique space-time coding created when unifying the Golden Section sums into an integrated 60-base arithmetic strengthening the MSRF
Geodetic Chronometry Filter- series of numbers found employed in monuments and texts from 3rd millennium BCE, again in 6th and 3rd centuries BCE and in more modern times in 16th century CE connected to a metaphysical belief in the numeric construction of our world strengthening the MSRF
holoflective numbers- the holographic reflection of a sum as it appears in an adjacent dimension and are used in MSRF
Holofractal Recognition Projection- future date derived by measuring Y as it is perceived in a mirrored hologram
holosphere- the invisible confluence of geometries that make up organized reality, understood to follow fixed protocols
Hydrogen Spacing Angle Filter- angular measurement of the flow of events catalogued throughout the MSRF
IntraDecimal Matric Filter- numbers multiplied into fractals of their whole that reveal true properties of sums already contained the the MSRF
Isometric Projection- the isolation of an equidistant future date paralleling Y
MSRF- Multidimensional Spatial Recognition Filters
Multidimensional Spatial Recognition Filters- or, MSRF, is a combination of 9 different species of arithmetic that form the foundational mathematical constructs for our cause-and-effect reality
phi- Golden Proportion, Mean, 1.618, a physics constant as perceived from our dimensional vantage point though its true essence is found when perceived very differently
potentia- date(s) projected by Ophis that are a aprt of an event-trajectory but may collapse into non-relevance
Programmer Templates- three separate packets of coding; Excel spreadsheet and two VBA [19 pgs of coding]. Core Algorithm, Holofractal & Isometric subroutines all coded. MSRF not coded yet
Protocol Prime- a function that must be performed by the Ophis operator. If neglected/forgotten before entering all X-dates then Ophis will LOSE a great amount of predictive accuracy
PREPS- Pattern Recognition Event Prediction System, or Ophis
psi- influenced so some degree by the mind/intent
Subroutines- Holofractal-Recognition Projection, Isometric Projection ar two of the four subroutines in Ophis operations. Other two are for programmer to know.
tiers- in the MSRF hierarchy of accuracy there are 7 tiers, but after Ophis fully programmed these tiers would not need to e known to operator for the output would instantly register which Core Algorithm dates were accurate and which were ghost projections
Vortex Holography Filter- numbers of extraordinary nature that are indestructible, immortal, and connect the mathematics of our existence to something else. These greatly empower the MSRF
X-1 - the very first back-date entered in an Ophis projection
X-2 - the 2nd and all subsequence dates entered into an Ophis projection
Y- the distance in linear time between X-1 and X-2 events as measured in axial rotations.
Standard Operating Procedures
The complexity of the Ophis system as a series of interlocking protocols and their coding actually provides an end result of an event-prediction system that is very user-friendly.
The Ophis operator need only enter into X-1 and X-2 those dates relative to one another and the Ophis system will provide the one, two or three future dates ONLY associated to the date-events entered by the operator.
The operator can use Ophis only for the following fuctions:
a. predict foreseeable outcomes [favored or not favored] to events that will occur on known/planned future dates;
b. predict most favorable future dates to ACT or to REFRAIN from action;
c. predict most favorable future date(s) a past event will occur again;
d. predicts the future dates of developments concerning specific past events or actions that had set things in motion [project/scheme]
There must be a separation of at least 6 days between X1 and X2. If additional X-dates are factored in analysis they will automatically be more than 6 days after X1 due to their position after X2.
If Ophis X-1 date is 6 days before X-2 date then Ophis can predict future relative dates within a 39 to 42 day window from X-2, assuming Ophis algorithm run on the X-2 date. If X-dates are 15 days apart the projections window expands to approx. 3 months into the future from the X-2 date.
Ophis is able to analyze X-dates most effectively up to 3 years in the past with full function of the supporting MSRF. This is to receive definitive date(s) in the future.
When analyzing X-dates beyond 3 years in the past Ophis requires multiple X-dates to measure [5 or more] and this will be without the benefit of the MSRF. While exact future dates can still be produced, periods of dates [like five-day and week-long periods] can be predicted with greater accuracy.
Ophis can be run on itself; the algorithm can use X-dates from its past when it was operating with excellent results to produce future dates when operators would again experience excellent results if utilizing Ophis on those dates.
a. as shown above this function of Ophis is very reliable for sports predictions because the game dates are fixed and published in sports schedules. The operator need only look at the output dates and see which one(s) fall on scheduled sports dates to ascertain the result. Example: Dallas plays buffalo at Buffalo dome and wins [X-1]. Same thing 343 days later [X-2]. Operator runs Ophis and find Dallas and Buffalo again playing on a date targeted by Ophis. The controls are relative to Dallas winning so the output MUST remain the same. Dallas winning on Ophis date.
b. operator enters X-dates relative to client request and provide client the first and second ALPHA dates or beta dates on Core Algorithm supported by MSRF, instructing client to do whatever it is they are planning to do on those dates.
c. This is same as a. routine, however, there is no fixed future schedule upon to rely on. This is a blind projection, and operates similar to b. Operator seeks out 1st ALPHA and beta Core Algorithm projections supported by MSRF, however, Ophis may isolate a core algorithm date that is beta later on but supported multiple times by MSRF hits. BOTH dates need be regarded.
d. because events follow periods of growth and decline, like ongoing projects or ideas, the operator would not omit any projections of the Core Algormithm that are supported by any of the MSRF projections. If there are multiple hits on different future dates, client needs them all, for these indicate individual alterations of the states the watched for event is passing through.
Protocol Prime [cannot be shared until algorithm bought]. This protocol mandates HOW projections are to be conducted , the greatest secret concerning entering the X-dates to perform projections. If the Ophis operator merely enters a series of back-dates and relies on the Core Algorithm, subroutines and MSRF he can at best hope for 70.5 % accuracy only about 50% of the time. One single item is necessary to maintain 70.5% or more accuracy ALL of the time. This Ophis operator MUST perform Protocol Prime.
There is no need for a technical SOP for when fully coded the Ophis system is simple, easy to use and performs 99% of the guesswork for the operator.
Teaching someone how to be an Ophis operator would require at most a few hours of practice runs, though most would be learned in a few minutes.
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