Elon Musk, has gone on record publicly admitting that all of the data concerning our existence demonstrates that we live within a simulation...that reality maintains the properties of a vast computer simulation. I agree. And going further, I know that this simulation maintains programming protocols that never change that we from our perspective call PHYSICS constants. Ophis recognizes this, and using these protocols in a very unique way I have quite literally developed a system to employ these protocols to hack reality.
Just because we are sitting in a room in the same world does not mean we live in the same universe. We can create reality tunnels through the application of mathematical constructs that can solely operate for our own personal use and benefit with little effect upon the outside world, or we can employ them in such a systemic way involving several people that we instantly add a whole new gloss to reality.
Ophis is far beyond any of the current event-prediction models, ie. machine learning, predictive analytics, pattern-recognition and sequence prediction. These are all methods seeking to objectively target future date-coordinates in an entirely subjective reality construct, and for this reason alone these methods are hit and miss. Because as observers we are unable to truly objectify an entirely subjective medium we are immersed within [whatever your model of reality consists of], in the prediction of future events based off of past phenomena [Ophis is a special kind of Time Series Analysis] the measurer MUST be a part of the mathematical observation.
Direct human involvement is what makes Ophis work so well and why its accuracy is so much greater than other models. A single formula introduced into the mathematical construct by an Ophis operator transforms the Ophis algorithm from being an objective series of routines and protocols to a synthetic system of event-prediction. For the generation of datasets there must have been an operator actively making Ophis projections; there is NO FUTURE until it transpires in linear sequence upon our awareness, therefore as a pure objective system Ophis can not perform. Because a future not yet experienced is entirely subjective, it requires the element of human involvement [subjective sentience] to operate with the highest degree of accuracy.
Just as Durac discovered that a fundamental mathematical description of our universe actually unveils that our reality has a mirror-image counterpart, that all matter is paralleled by the existence of anti-matter, Ophis is the result of a series of accidental discoveries that revealed that our chaotic, seemingly randon events measured by our arithmetic are completely traceable and predictable by analyzing a sort of anti-arithmetic encoded within the very fabric of linear events.